Gladstone Go

Seamlessly Book, Join, and Engage

Streamline the process of booking classes, activities, and becoming a member, all with the same user-friendly interface across any device or channel.

Go mobile app

The Go app offers a convenient and personalised experience for members, from booking to the gym floor. With regenerative QR codes for quick entry, GladstonePay wallet for speedy check-out, and support for Apple Pay and Android Pay, members can easily access the gym anytime, anywhere. The app also saves favourites for repeat bookings and helps discover tailored activities to drive revenue and enhance member retention.

TA App Homescreen - Iphone2

Simplified Join Experience

We've perfected the Go join experience to just 4 simple steps, but we also know that every facility has unique needs. That's why we've designed a range of customisable options, including the ability to offer different pricing for the same membership - think peak vs off-peak. Flexibility is key and we've got you covered.

Screenshot Joining Image

Single or Multi-site

With Go join, your potential members can dive directly into the activities of a single site, reducing the steps to joining.  For larger operators the join process is configurable for potential members to search by regional location and/or facilities. 

maps with join

Frictionless Book Experience

Its super easy for Members and non-members alike to browse classes with easy to use search functionality that puts the user in charge, allowing them to see what's available in their timeframe.  Members can book for others and you can decide how you manage wait lists!

Screenshot of booking in TA

User Account Area

The place where members view their memberships, bookings & personal information. Encourage your members to complete their profile to enhance your data.


Go learn

Say goodbye to the complexities of scheduling and managing swimming courses that involve level progression. With Go Learn, coaches, instructors, and facility coordinators can easily handle what was once an administrative burden.

Parents and guardians can conveniently enroll their children from home, saving time as there is no need to visit reception.

Experience the ease and efficiency of simplified lesson management with Go Learn.

happy children kids group  at swimming pool class  learning to swim

Interested in finding out more?

Already have a login to the live demo, start here